
Peter Santenello's Net Worth (2024), Wiki And More Facts

Occupation: YouTuber and Entrepreneur
Find out how much money Peter Santenello makes and how much money he has!
Stay on this page to discover many other interesting facts about the famous YouTuber and his family.

Peter Santenello Net Worth

Peter Santenello's net worth:

1,500,000 USD

Earnings: How does Peter Santenello make his money and how much he makes?

Peter Santenello has multiple sources of income.

He is a YouTuber who primarily earns money through his videos, which are very popular.

His social media accounts have about 75 thousand followers, so he helps many brands by promoting their products and services.

His YouTube channel has about 950 thousand subscribers and about 106 mllion views through which he also earns very well.

In addition, he has his own official merch and website, which provides him an additional source of income.

Peter Santenello's net worth is currently estimated at $1.5 million.

What would you like to know about Peter Santenello?

Content overview

You can find much more stuff about Peter Santenello on this page!

  1. Earnings: How does Peter Santenello make his money and how much he makes?
  2. Peter Santenello's net worth over the years
  3. Age: How old is Peter Santenello? Where was he born?
  4. Peter Santenello's height and weight
  5. What is his real/full name?
  6. Is Peter Santenello married? Does he have a girlfriend?
  7. Friends and associates
  8. Peter Santenello's Merch
  9. Education: Did Peter Santenello go to college?

Peter Santenello's net worth over the years

YearNet worth
2022$1.5 million
2021$1.3 million
2020$1 million

Age: How old is Peter Santenello? Where was he born?

Hometown: The famous YouTuber was born in Burlington, Vermont, United States, on Sep 27, 1977.
Age: Peter Santenello is 44 years old now. Nationality: American Ethnicity: White Sign of the Zodiac: Libra

Peter Santenello's height and weight

Let's find out how tall Peter Santenello is and how much he weighs.
  • Height in cm and feet: 183 cm / 6 ft 0 in
  • Weight in kg and lbs: 87 kg / 191 lbs

What is his real/full name?

Peter Santenello's real/full name is Peter Santenello.

Is Peter Santenello married? Does he have a girlfriend or wife?

iPeter Santenello's married to his wife Natalie.

Peter Santenello

Friends and associates

Find out who are Peter Santenello's friends and associates:

  • Andy Flores (focus__la)
  • Ernie (6d5vert)
  • Ronin Gray (roninbaptiste)

Peter Santenello's Merch

You can buy Peter Santenello's products in his online store.

Education: Did Peter Santenello go to college?


  • University of Nevada, Reno
