
Ben Shapiro Net Worth (2024) And More Facts

Occupation: Lawyer, Author, Political commentator
Find out how much money Ben Shapiro makes and how much money he has!
Stay on this page to discover many other interesting facts about Ben.

Ben Shapiro Net Worth

Ben Shapiro's net worth:

10,000,000 USD

Earnings: How does Ben Shapiro make his money and how much he makes?

Ben Shapiro is a conservative political commentator, columnist, author, lawyer, and podcast host with an impressive net worth of $10 million!

Ben started writing his first book when he was only 17, and while he was studying at UCLA, he managed to become the youngest nationally syndicated columnist in the US! Ben published his first books by the age of 21, with both titles being very controversial: Brainwashed: How Universities Indoctrinate America's Youth and Porn Generation: How Social Liberalism Is Corrupting Our Future.

Shapiro published his book Primetime Propaganda: The True Hollywood Story of How the Left Took Over Your TV in 2011, before joining the David Horowitz Freedom Center, known for its conservative values. He also took part in founding of TruthRevolt U.S. news and activism website, in collaboration with David Horowitz Freedom Center.

Shapiro also founded conservative news and opinion website The Daily Wire in 2015, and he still works as editor-in-chief.

He also hosts his podcast, The Ben Shapiro Show, which was downloaded 10 million times each month!

Ben is a frequent speaker at numerous college campuses across the US, and he is well known for his presentations of conservative views on controversial matters. He gave a speech at 37 campuses during 2016 and 2017! Since he's a controversial author, there are many protesters who would rather not have Shapiro speak at their campuses. Because of that, the University and the city of Berkeley had to spend $600k on security during his speech!


What would you like to know about Ben Shapiro?

Content overview

You can find much more stuff about Ben Shapiro on this page!

  1. Earnings: How does Ben Shapiro make his money and how much he makes?
  2. Ben Shapiro's net worth over the years
  3. Age: How old is Ben Shapiro? Where was he born?
  4. Ben Shapiro's height and weight
  5. What is his real/full name?
  6. Is Ben Shapiro married? Does he have a girlfriend?
  7. Family: Does Ben Shapiro have any brothers, sisters or kids?
  8. Friends and associates
  9. Ben Shapiro's house photos
  10. Books list
  11. Tattoos
  12. Ben Shapiro's quotes
  13. Education: Did Ben Shapiro go to college?
  14. Ben Shapiro on social media
  15. Trivia: Did you know these facts about Ben Shapiro?

Ben Shapiro's net worth over the years

YearNet worth
2022$10 million
2021$8.4 million
2020$7.1 million
2019$6.3 million
2018$5 million

Age: How old is Ben Shapiro? Where was he born?

Hometown: The lawyer was born in Los Angeles, United States, on Jan 15, 1984.
Age: Ben Shapiro is 37 years old now. Nationality: American Ethnicity: Ashkenazi Jewish Sign of the Zodiac: Capricorn

Ben Shapiro's height and weight

Let's find out how tall Ben Shapiro is and how much he weighs.
  • Height in cm and feet: 167 cm / 5ft 6in
  • Weight in kg and lbs: 57 kg / 126 lbs

What is his real/full name?

Ben Shapiro's real/full name is Benjamin Shapiro.

Is Ben Shapiro married? Does he have a girlfriend or wife?

Wife: Ben Shapiro is married to Mor Shapiro (Mor Toledano) since 2008.

His wife is from Israel and she is a doctor.

Family: Does Ben Shapiro have any brothers, sisters or kids?

Kids: Ben Shapiro has two kids with Mor, a daughter and a son.

Their daughter's name is Leeya Eliana Shapiro. She was born in 2014 and their son was born in 2016.

Parents: Ben Shapiro's father name is David Shapiro.

Siblings: Ben has three sisters. One of his sisters, Abigail Shapiro, is also very popular on the web because of her big breasts:

Abigail Shapiro boobs - Ben Shapiro's sister

Friends and associates

List of celebrities related to Ben Shapiro:

  • Jordan Peterson
  • Dave Rubin
  • Milo Yiannopoulos
  • Steven Crowder
  • Ann Coulter
  • Tomi Lahren
  • Mark Levin
  • Sam Harris
  • Bill Maher
  • Joe Rogan

Ben Shapiro's house photos

Shapiro family lives in Valley Village, Los Angeles, but photos of their home are not available to the public.

Books list

Ben Shapiro published more than 10 books. Here is the list of all his books.

To find out more about any of these books, to read reviews and to check prices on Amazon, click on the links below. The links will open in a new tab.


Ben Shapiro doesn't have tattoos and he thinks that it is very bad to have them.

Ben Shapiro's quotes

We handpicked Ben Shapiro's best quotes for you:

Ben Shapiro's Best Quotes

Facts don't care about your feelings.
When people are desperate or wealthy, they turn to socialism; only when they have no other alternative do they embrace the free market. After all, lies about guaranteed security are far more seductive than lectures about personal responsibility.
There is no such thing as 'your truth'. There is the truth and your opinion.
No picture should lower the moral standards of those who see it.
It is certainly not society's job to fill in the gaps where you have failed. It is your job to pick yourself up.
Lies about guaranteed security are far more seductive than lectures about personal responsibility.
Make every election a referendum on democrats. That's how you win elections.
There’s no such thing as a good tattoo on a sixty-year old woman.
Having children truly ends adolescence. We are all either parents or children: responsibility-takers or those who demand from others.
Nothing makes you care more about building a better society than having children.
The answer to bad behavior is good behavior. The answer to vice is virtue.
Life isn't about feeling comfortable. Life is about bettering yourself.
Of all the things human beings do on the planet, bearing and rearing children is the most important things.
Feminism murdered chivalry.
Never before in our country's history has a generation been so empowered, so wealthy, so privileged - and yet so empty.
Women should expect men to be better. But they should not expect men not to be men.
The facts are your shield. Decency is your sword.

Education: Did Ben Shapiro go to college?

Ben Shapiro graduated from the University of California in 2004 and he also graduated from Harvard Law School in 2007.

Ben Shapiro on social media

  • Facebook: 4,090,000 fans
  • Instagram: 700,000+ followers
  • YouTube: 253,000+ subscribers + 837,200 subscribers on The Daily Wire channel
  • Google+: / followers
  • Twitter: 1,514,000+ followers
  • Snapchat: Ben Shapiro's username on Snapchat is realbenshapiro

You can find more information about Ben Shapiro on his Wikipedia page.

Trivia: Did you know these facts about Ben Shapiro?

  • Eye color: Blue
  • Hair color: Dark brown
  • Sexual orientation: Straight
  • Phone number: Lots of people search for Ben Shapiro's phone number on Google each month, but he never posted it on the Internet. If you find his phone number somewhere on the web, that will probably be a fake number.
