
Paul DePodesta's Net Worth (2024), Wiki And More Facts

Occupation: American football player
Find out how much money Paul DePodesta makes and how much money he has!
Stay on this page to discover many other interesting facts about the famous American football player and his family.

Paul DePodesta Net Worth

Paul DePodesta's net worth:

10,000,000 USD

Earnings: How does Paul DePodesta make his money and how much he makes?

Paul DePodesta is an American football executive and former baseball executive who started his career in 1996.

He is formerly the Vice President of player development and scouting for the New York Mets, the former Front Office assistant for the San Diego Padres, Cleveland Indians, and Oakland Athletics.

Paul was the general manager of the Dodgers from February 16, 2004 to October 29, 2007. He led the Dodgers to their first playoff win in 16 years.

He also worked with the Baltimore Stallions who were part of the Canadian Football League.

Paul DePodesta's net worth is currently estimated at $10 million.

What would you like to know about Paul DePodesta?

Content overview

You can find much more stuff about Paul DePodesta on this page!

  1. Earnings: How does Paul DePodesta make his money and how much he makes?
  2. Paul DePodesta's net worth over the years
  3. Age: How old is Paul DePodesta? Where was he born?
  4. Paul DePodesta's height and weight
  5. What is his real/full name?
  6. Is Paul DePodesta married? Does he have a girlfriend?
  7. Family: Does Paul DePodesta have any brothers, sisters or kids?
  8. Education: Did Paul DePodesta go to college?

Paul DePodesta's net worth over the years

YearNet worth
2022$10 million
2021$9 million
2020$7 million

Age: How old is Paul DePodesta? Where was he born?

Hometown: The famous American football player was born in Alexandria, Virginia, U.S., on Dec 16, 1972.
Age: Paul DePodesta is 49 years old now. Nationality: American Ethnicity: White Sign of the Zodiac: Sagittarius

Paul DePodesta's height and weight

Let's find out how tall Paul DePodesta is and how much he weighs.
  • Height in cm and feet: 178 cm / 5 ft 8 in
  • Weight in kg and lbs: 83 kg / 182 lbs

What is his real/full name?

Paul DePodesta's real/full name is Paul DePodesta.

Is Paul DePodesta married? Does he have a girlfriend or wife?

Paul DePodesta is married to Karen Deicas since 1996.

Family: Does Paul DePodesta have any brothers, sisters or kids?

Children: Paul DePodesta has 3 sons and a daughter.

Education: Did Paul DePodesta go to college?

High school:
  • Episcopal High School


  • Harvard University
