
Anya Taylor-Joy's Net Worth (2024), Wiki And More Facts

Occupation: Actress
Find out how much money Anya Taylor-Joy makes and how much money she has!
Stay on this page to discover many other interesting facts about the famous actress and her family.

Anya Taylor-Joy Net Worth

Anya Taylor-Joy's net worth:

7,000,000 USD

Earnings: How does Anya Taylor-Joy make her money and how much she makes?

Anya Taylor-Joy is an American/English/Argentine actress.

Anya Taylor-Joy first became well-known for her lead performance in the 2015 folk-horror movie "The Witch," which she also produced.

She went on to star in movies like "Split," "Glass," "Thoroughbreds," and "Emma" after that. Taylor-Joy has starred in several television shows, including the British dramas "The Miniaturist" and "Peaky Blinders."

She also received praise and recognition for her outstanding performance in the upcoming Netflix miniseries "The Queen's Gambit."

Anya Taylor-Joy's net worth is currently estimated at $7 million.

What would you like to know about Anya Taylor-Joy?

Content overview

You can find much more stuff about Anya Taylor-Joy on this page!

  1. Earnings: How does Anya Taylor-Joy make his money and how much he makes?
  2. Anya Taylor-Joy's net worth over the years
  3. Age: How old is Anya Taylor-Joy? Where was he born?
  4. Anya Taylor-Joy's height and weight
  5. What is his real/full name?
  6. Family: Does Anya Taylor-Joy have any brothers, sisters or kids?
  7. Friends and associates
  8. Anya Taylor-Joy's house photos
  9. Education: Did Anya Taylor-Joy go to college?

Anya Taylor-Joy's net worth over the years

YearNet worth
2022$7 million
2021$6.7 million
2020$5.3 million

Age: How old is Anya Taylor-Joy? Where was she born?

Hometown: Anya Taylor-Joy was born in Miami, Florida, USA, on Apr 16, 1996.
Age: Anya Taylor-Joy is 26 years old now. Nationality: American Ethnicity: White Sign of the Zodiac: Aries

Anya Taylor-Joy's height and weight

Let's find out how tall Anya Taylor-Joy is and how much she weighs.
  • Height in cm and feet: 169 cm / 5.54 ft
  • Weight in kg and lbs: 55 kg / 121 lbs

What is her real/full name?

Anya Taylor-Joy's real/full name is Anya-Josephine Taylo-Joy.

Family: Does Anya Taylor-Joy have any brothers, sisters or kids?


Anya Taylor-Joy’s father is Dennis Taylor.
Anya Taylor-Joy’s mother is Jennifer Marina Joy-Morancho.

Friends and associates

Find out who are Anya Taylor-Joy's friends and associates:

  • Thomas Brodie-Sangster
  • Moses Ingram
  • Harry Melling
  • Jacob Fortune-Lloyd
  • Marielle Heller
  • Marcin DorociÅ„ski
  • Chloe Pirrie
  • Millie Brady
  • Rebecca Root
  • Bill Camp
  • Matthew Dennis Lewis
  • Sophie McShera

Anya Taylor-Joy's house photos

Anya Taylor-Joy currently lives in Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles, Calif.

Education: Did Anya Taylor-Joy go to college?

High school:
  • Queen’s Gate School
  • Hill House School
