Lil Xan's Net Worth (2020) And Facts

Occupation: Rapper, Former Photographer

Find out how much money this famous rapper makes and how much money he has!
Stay on this page to discover many other interesting facts about Lil Xan and his family.

Lil Xan Net Worth

Lil Xan's net worth:

3,500,000 USD

Earnings: How does Lil Xan make his money and how much he makes?

Lil Xan is a rapper from California, with an impressive net worth of 3.5 million! He rose to stardom after his track "Betrayed" reached no. 64 on the Billboard Hot 100!

His real name is Diego Leanos, and his stage name comes from the prescription drug Xanax, to which he was addicted. He is well known for his 'dream-like' style of rapping, his unusual appearance and a tattooed face.

Lil Xan was very poor while he was growing up, and most of the time he was living in motels with his mother. He abandoned school when he was a freshman, and he spent a few years at home, without a job.

Before he turned to rapping, he worked as a street cleaner and a drug dealer. Although he was a Xanax addict, he is now speaking against the drug, which is massively abused and can have fatal effects.

Lil Xan started his career by publishing tracks on Soundcloud, and ended up being one of the founders of a successful band, Xanarchy.

He is often collaborating with artists like Steven Cannon, Aris Ray, Julian Dova and Oohdem Beatz.

Although he is famous now, he admits that he didn't always think about the music:

"I was never really freestyling or anything. I was just mainly playing video games and not focusing too much on the music. I always have been very musically influenced because of my dad. He had a very big record collection so I dabbled in different genres. I grew up listening to a lot of grunge and alternative rock, Artic Monkey, Queens of the Stone Age, Black Flag, Smashing Pumpkins and all that good stuff."
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What would you like to know about Lil Xan?

Content overview
You can find much more stuff about Lil Xan on this page!
  1. Earnings: How does Lil Xan make his money and how much he makes?
  2. Lil Xan's net worth over the years
  3. Age: How old is Lil Xan? Where was he born?
  4. Lil Xan's height and weight
  5. What is his real name?
  6. Is Lil Xan married? Does he have a girlfriend?
  7. Family: Does Lil Xan have any brothers, sisters or kids?
  8. Friends and associates
  9. Lil Xan's house photos
  10. Which cars Lil Xan owns?
  11. Tour dates and upcoming concerts
  12. Lil Xan's Merch
  13. Best songs
  14. Wallpapers
  15. Tattoos
  16. Lil Xan's quotes
  17. Education: Did Lil Xan go to college?
  18. Lil Xan on social media
  19. Trivia: Other facts about Lil Xan

Lil Xan's net worth over the years

Year Net worth
2018 $3.5 million
2017 $2 million
2016 $1 million

Age: How old is Lil Xan? Where was he born?

The rapper was born in California (USA), on September 6, 1996.

Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Mexican
Sign of the Zodiac: Virgo

Lil Xan's height and weight

Let's find out how tall Lil Xan is and how much he weighs.
  • Height in cm and feet: 173 cm / 5 ft 8 in
  • Weight in kg and lbs: 60 kg / 132 lbs

What is his real name?

Lil Xan's real name is Diego Leanos.

Is Lil Xan married? Does he have a girlfriend?

Lil Xan is not married and currently he doesn't have a girlfriend.

Family: Does Lil Xan have any brothers, sisters or kids?

Lil Xan has no kids.

His mom's name is Candy and he tattooed her name on his face.

It is not known whether he has siblings or not.

Friends and associates

Find out who are Lil Xan's friends and associates:

Lil Xan's house photos

Lil Xan lives in Los Angeles, but photos of his house are not available to the public.

Which cars Lil Xan owns?

Lil Xan drives a silver BMW that you can see on the photo below: Lil Xan with his BMW

Tour dates and upcoming concerts

To find latest details about dates and locations of Lil Xan's upcoming tours and concerts please visit this tab of his Facebook fan page.

Lil Xan's Merch

You can get official Lil Xan's merch at

Best songs

Here is the list of Lil Xan's most popular songs:
  1. Betrayed
  2. Color Blind
  3. Wake Up
  4. Slingshot
  5. Far
  7. Who Are You?
  8. No Love
  9. Inxanity
  10. Been Bout It
  11. Vicodin
  12. Live or Die


Lil Xan Wallpaper Preview We created some HD Lil Xan wallpapers in a few different resolutions, for desktop, tablet and mobile devices.
Go to Lil Xan wallpapers download page ➜


Lil Xan has lots of tattoos on his face and body. He has at least five tattoos on his face.

He got his first tattoo when he was 17 years old and he got his first face tattoo when he was 18 years old. Lil Xan tattoos

Lil Xan's quotes

We handpicked Lil Xan's best quotes for you:

Lol at all you haters,I have a voice and I’m trying to use it to help people but you wanna shit on that guy. the world crazy
My purpose on this earth is to help people struggling with anxiety and depression,we all go through this but it gets better I promise,life is precious and you are precious
Also I just wanna thank you guys for always sending positive vibes and saying nice things ! You know I love y’all to death and can’t wait to keep building my brand and music career ! Thanks for being on this crazy ride with me
A lot of rappers deserve a lot more exposure then what they have

Education: Did Lil Xan go to college?

Lil Xan dropped out of school when he was a freshman.

Lil Xan on social media

  • Facebook: 675,000 fans
  • Instagram: 5,200,000+ followers
  • YouTube: 1,570,000+ subscribers
  • Google+: / followers
  • Twitter: 535,000+ followers
  • Snapchat: Lil Xan's Snapchat username is Xanxiety666
You can find more information about Lil Xan on his Wikipedia page.

Trivia: Other facts about Lil Xan

  • Jobs before the fame: Lil Xan didn't have any regular jobs as he became famous at a very young age.
  • Famous for: Rapping
  • Years active: Since 2015
  • Nicknames: Lil Xan is also known as Xanarchy and Xanxiety.
  • YouTube views: Lil Xan's videos have over 187 million views on YouTube!
  • Pets: Lil Xan has a dog.
  • Eye color: Dark brown
  • Hair color: Black
  • Sexual orientation: Bisexual
  • Phone number: Lots of people search for Lil Xan's phone number on Google each month, but he never posted it on the Internet. If you find his phone number somewhere on the web, that will probably be a fake number.
  • Lil Xan's song Bodak Yellow climbed up to #1 spot on famous Billboard Hot 100 list!


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